Please do join us via the Live-Stream (above) or in person at the Cathedral for the following services:
- Sunday 8.30am Book of Common Prayer Said Eucharist
- Sunday 10.30am Choral Eucharist
- Sunday 3.30pm Choral Evensong
- Wednesday 9.30am Eucharist
- Wednesday 5.30pm Congregational Monastic Prayer
- Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, & Sat 5.30pm Evening Prayer
Cathedral Isle of Man welcomes everyone to join our services, whether you are a regular Parish worshipper or a visitor to the Island. Outside of the regular services above, visitors are welcome to enter the Cathedral to worship at any time during our opening hours.
Download printable versions of the services:
The Offertory
Should you wish a donation can be made here.Recent Sermons - a chance to re-read and contemplate
- 20241222 - Luke 1 v 39-45.pdf (58.2 KiB)
- Cathedral 22nd September 2024.pdf (33.8 KiB)
- Sermon 4th August 2024.pdf (58.8 KiB)
- 100923 Rosemary Clarke.pdf (166.1 KiB)
- Sermon 240721.pdf (16.9 KiB)
- Peel Cathedral - re-opening 16 .pdf (46.3 KiB)
- 170324 I would see Jesus.pdf (161.5 KiB)
- Palm Sunday 2024.pdf (142.2 KiB)
- Epiphany 4 2024.pdf (117.6 KiB)
- Elzabeth's Story for the web 17 December 2023.pdf (119.5 KiB)
- 26.11.23 Christ the KIng Sermon.pdf (146.3 KiB)
- Advent 1 Revd Mark Radcliffe.pdf (96.9 KiB)
- Sermon What comes after death 5 Nov 23.pdf (76.7 KiB)
- All Souls Revd Mark Radcliffe 2 Nov 2023.pdf (67.0 KiB)
- Sunday 15 October 2023 Revd Mark Radcliffe.pdf (121.0 KiB)
- 090723 St German Peter you and me Rosemary Clarke.pdf (104.9 KiB)
- Trinity 2 18 June 2023.pdf (175.3 KiB)
- Trinity Sermon 4 June 2023 Cathedral.pdf (119.4 KiB)
- Pentecost Sermon 2023 cathedral.pdf (184.9 KiB)
- Sunday 16 April 2023.pdf (146.9 KiB)
- Sermon 5 March 2023 Rosemary Clarke.pdf (169.9 KiB)
- 120223.pdf (168.3 KiB)
- Salt of the Earth 5 February 2023.pdf (89.3 KiB)
- Sermon for 19th Feb_.pdf (64.9 KiB)
- John 2.1-11 22 www.pdf (73.7 KiB)
- Sermon 18 December 2022 - Emmanuel.pdf (202.1 KiB)
- Sermon 04Dec22.pdf (155.8 KiB)
- Matt 11.v 2 to 11 2022.pdf (72.3 KiB)
- Sermon 6th November 2022.pdf (121.0 KiB)
- Sermon 16 October 2022.pdf (131.6 KiB)
- Sermon 2 October 2022.pdf (253.8 KiB)
- 7th August 2022.pdf (615.7 KiB)
- 31st July 2022.pdf (432.8 KiB)
- John 13. 31 - 35 2022.pdf (84.6 KiB)
- 24 April 2022 Being a Disciple John 2019-31.pdf (534.6 KiB)
- 10 April 2022 Reflection for Palm Sunday.pdf (416.3 KiB)
- John 19. 25b-27 Mothering Sunday 2022 .pdf (101.0 KiB)