Let nature help you:
1. Plant trees with the Isle of Man Woodland Trust and have fun at the same time! The planting season started in October and continues until April. Plantings are mostly on Sundays. Check out details at woodlandtrust.im or our Facebook page. It takes over 400 saplings to absorb the lifetime carbon (or greenhouse gas equivalent) emissions of one person on the Isle of Man.
For more details about possible tree plantings on your land, please contact
For membership inquiries please contact Membership Secretary
Clara Barker – iomwtmembers@gmail.com
For everything else, email the Chairman
2. Join the Gardening Club at the Cathedral - Mondays from 8am. We are improving the biodiversity of the land around the Cathedral, and always need helping hands. Just turn up. 
3. Come along for a meal at The Big Table cafe or help prepare and serve. Mondays 12-2pm. Not only does it create a community to chat and share ideas, but we also follow the principles of buying as much local produce as possible and not wasting food, recycling any packaging and composting scraps and peel. By catering for more, we waste less.