The Foundation for Music and the Arts (FMA) is an Isle of Man registered Charity (1078) and holds responsibility for supporting and funding the Cathedral Music Department on behalf of the Cathedral and the Parish of the West. The Department currently requires day to day general funding in the order of £60,000 pa which covers salaries, contributions towards the running costs of office and rehearsal accommodation, housing and other employment related charges, Choir music, printing and general running costs together with meeting all of the maintenance costs of the Cathedral's Organ. As a part of the FMA’s commitment to supporting & developing young musicians, we also provide both Choral and Organ Scholarships to suitable candidates.
The FMA does not receive any funding from Church sources but meets its commitments primarily through the generosity of several individuals, commercial organisations, Trusts and Charities. Almost none of this income is committed on a regular or annual basis, therefore each year the financial challenge facing the Trustees remains. This income is supplemented by freewill giving from those attendees supporting our Annual Concert Programme and also by our ‘Friends of the Cathedral Music’ organisation, membership of which is open to all and details of which can be obtained from the Membership Secretary, Elisabeth Dellborg. Tel: 843940
The FMA has a programme of capital investment to support the Music Department which has included the regeneration of the Annexe area of the Corrin Hall to create the M L Wood Song School, providing an administrative base for the Music Department and a modern rehearsal space, music library, kitchen and robing accommodation for the Choirs. The work included obtaining Statutory Approvals, the provision of insulation and new double glazed windows, new wall and floor finishes, rewiring and the introduction of a Central Heating system. The project was entirely funded by the generosity of third party supporters, including commercial organisations, Trusts, Charities and individuals who gave the money specifically for the purpose of providing a home for our Choirs.
Ian T Thompson (Chair)
Don Roworth
Very Revd Nigel Godfrey (Dean)
Dr Mike Hoy
Christine Edmundson (Treasurer)
Marlene Maska
Clerk to the board: Dr Peter Litman
Registered Charity: 1078
It is our absolute privilege to teach the island's young people choral singing to a very high standard, and for this no charge is made. Additionally we fund the training of an Organ Scholar each year, and we provide all sacred music at the Cathedral as a gift to our Island community.
Unfashionably, we have to fund music staff salaries and the costs associated with running the purpose built M L Wood Song School, as well as meeting the high costs of maintaining the Cathedral's pipe organ. If you are able please consider helping us financially. Any amount, large or small, will be very much appreciated.
You have the opportunity to remember the Cathedral Choristers by leaving a legacy in your Will. Island Advocates MannBenham can help advise you, or do contact us in confidence to discuss the matter on
Our treasured Choral Heritage - now, and for tomorrow.....